Thursday, 25 March 2010

PunKed Feature Page Draft - The Making of

The Feature page on my double page spread will include a interview with an upcoming band and a letters from you page. i decided that a basic layout would be suitable because its further in the magazine.

the first page has both text and pictures to keep the page from being too formal, and the second page has a main image space for the band or artist featured, with text for the inteview.

PunKed Contents Page Draft - The Making of

although on the front cover i had rotated the masthead slightly, i decided not to with the contents page, this is because it will allow room for descriptions of the content, etc. also the rotate isnt really needed a second time.

After placing my masthead, i created picture boxes where, this is where some of the featured inside magazine photos would be placed here to give the reader a second more detailed overview of the articles of the magazine.

PunKed Front Cover Draft - The Making of

I created a new document to start my magazine with, then i used a website designing fonts,, after looking into the different font styles, this is the one that i thought was most interesting and relevent to the genre. Using the transform tool on Adobe InDesign CS4, i was able to turn the text by 15degrees.

Once i knew where my masthead was going to be, i started to lay out my straplines, the straplines will be different in each textbox, for example, the top right will be details of an exclusive article in this fortnights edition, something quite possibly in the news, or gossip.

After i had my straplines laid out, i then applied my main imagine, i decided to place the image last because it gave me a way to organise the text boxes. a disadvantage of this is that the main image could be covered by a text box, however i will edit the layout in the final making.

Thursday, 18 March 2010

My Magazine

Genre: Punk
Target audience: 14-21
Frequency: monthly
Price: £2.80
Pages 70
35% adverts
Adverts: 20
Editorial: 50

Contents Page:

Featured guest interviews 8
Album reviews 6
Top40 Singles 3
Top40 Albums 3
What’s on? 6
Coming up 6
Guide to the spring 12
Your letters 4
Competitions 2
Editor’s page 2


- Not many people consume music magazines
- Sales of specialist magazines are usually around 30000-50000
- Music tastes are generally narrow.
- Illegal music downloading means less money coming into the music industry so there is less money.

Focus Group

Focus Group

Music tastes artists genre what they are listening to now recent tastes what not liked?

No specifics that people listen to, general like for every genre of music with the exception of Classical and country music. Music listened to at the moment is tending to be chart music such as songs in the top 10 but other than this no specific genre or bands.

When asking about favourite bands again there were no specifics just general bands that would usually appear in the charts with a few exceptions for bands that are perhaps not as high profile as the usual chart toppers.

What was the average consummation of music?

We often listen to music to pass the time, at home or when we’re “out and about”, this includes listening to music all the time on an mp3 player or a mobile phone. Laptops are also used as a source of music because of the accessibility to online music such as on Youtube or online radio stations. Also, music is accessible on TV so we can listen to radio stations when at home.

When finding out about new music, it often stems from recommendation from friends; this could be by “word of mouth” or on social networking sites such as Facebook. Often new music is introduced on the radio before being released and also Youtube often has recommended/featured videos which will promote new music.

What do you want to see in a music magazine?

When asking my focus group what they want to see in a music magazine, they wanted to see popular bands or artists that they like, a way of presenting these in a magazine would be through reviews and interviews. My focus group also wanted to find out upcoming dates of tours etc.

Monday, 8 March 2010

Research into other music magazines

Analysis and research of similar music magazines

Front Page: Music Planet
§ Limited to 4 colours: Orange, White, Black, blue.

§ Limited to 4 colours.
§ Split into boxes containing possibly a popular story or article. Description of features.
§ List of all features.
§ Only white border, no blank places.

§ Boxed layout, different information in each box
§ Main image followed by surrounding strap lines and information regarding what is inside the magazine.

§ Orange, White, Black and blue.

§ Featured band

§ Formal English.